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Zero Budget gardening

With loads of knowledge hubs all over internet don’t you sometimes wish you had MORE money to buy hundreds of different things for gardening including high priced plants ?
Take a deep breath. This is a simple middle class plant lover girl’s ( I always will remain a girl) way to make fabulous Zero Budget Garden.
Heard of converting plastic bottles for gardening pot ? O My God you will go flat with the amazing plastic bottles, coconut shells, shampoo bottles, rejected shoe racks that look amazing. Though I am not so good in that, there are thousands in our Gardening Ideas and More (India) Group who are JUST amazing in converting every damn thing to a planter.
Sauce bottles covered with rope, old wine bottles, soda bottles, buckets, paint buckets all will certainly give expensive planters complex
Now what are the Zero Budget plants ?

Start from Rhyzomes


Onion is very easy to grow. Our Moms always found few sprouted onions in their vegetable basket in rainy season. So that’s the key. Don’t search a lot on internet. Just try. Put the onion jut an inch deep wet, porous soil and watch them growing on their own within few days
You can try in bottles with whole, Keep one onion near each hole and fill it with porous soil. Water to keep the soil moist. Keep the planter in semi shade/ partial sun. Your beautiful plant is ready


With one clove of garlic, you can grow an entire garlic plant. Take one clove and plant it in soil with the root facing down. Put your container in a warm part of your home that gets direct sunlight. The garlic will begin to root itself and you’ll soon see new shoots emerge from the soil.
After the garlic becomes established in the soil cut back the shoots and the plant will begin to put all its resources into growing a big delicious garlic bulb. Just like the ginger above once you harvest your produce you can repeat this process and run through the cycle again.


Like many other herbs, mint can easily be re-grown using cuttings from an original plant. Just put a trimming in a glass of water, and after the plant matures a bit, transfer it into soil for a reliable herb that will return season after season. Easy peasy!

Ginger plant

Do you know how good ginger plant looks ? It grows well even as healthy houseplants without much demand.
Now don’t research too much. It’s a DIY now that you just try and it will give you pleasure how well it will grow. Just use 2 inch approx ginger and place it in some soil. Place your ginger in a place that gets filtered light as opposed to direct sunlight and you’ll start to see new growth soon.
Isn’t ti great thatWhen you need ginger, pull the plant out of the soil, cut off the pieces you’d like to use, and then replant it and start the process over.

Start from seeds

There are LOT of seeds like pumpkin, bitter gourd etc which look gorgeous as a plant. Just keep cool, clean the seeds and dry the seeds completely on nonstick paper or aluminum foil before planting.

Make sure you have not taken the vegetables from your fridge.

Sarso/ Mustard

Prepare a nice pot with garden soil which is porous. Make sure it is moistened. Keep the pot in indirect sunlight or if on terrace keep in shade.
No over doing, just spread the dry seeds all over the place. Try this during moist season. Seeds will sprout within 4-5 days.
Indirect sunlight or direct sunlight of 2-3 hours are needed else the saplings will look feeble
Bitter gourd/ Pumpkin
If you have good place for a climber plant, try pumpkin, cucumber, bitter gourd – not for the sake of getting fruits and eating vegetables. They look AWESOME as climber plant too.


Lemon plant grows very fast from seeds. No over doing. Just take few seeds and either keep in water for few days – my way is I put the lemon seeds directly in a well drained garden soil and keep the container moist and in shade.
When you’re germinating lemon seed, it takes 1 to 2 weeks for it to grow. Later it takes anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks before it gets ready to be planted outdoor or transplanted in a bigger pot. It then takes from 8 to 10 years for the lemon tree to grow and mature enough to start producing fruit.
Dhaniya takes some time to sprout about 8 – 15 days. So I generally donot suggest to start with dhaniya to the beginners. But dhaniya is also a good option
Touch me not is a weed ?

Chui Mui

‘Touch me not’ plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings. It’s an extremely easy plant to grow and germinates quickly. Seed sowing must be done when temperature is warm.
In summer, take cuttings of woody branches, apply rooting hormone and plant them in starter mix. You can keep cutting in plastic bag until they form roots.
Mimosa pudica loves to grow in full sun, however it thrives in partial shade too.
There are thousands of so called WEEDS that look beautiful
From flowers like marigold, sun flower, Petunia plants can be grown. Make sure about your sunlight, humidity, and proper balanced soil for flowers.

About Author

Bratati Sen
A serious plantohlic – love to explore plants, live plant, love plant and believes gardening is fun and is a way to relieve stress and connect with nature. Always reachable for plant queries