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Top 21 Winter Flowers in India

When we are talking about the best winter flowers in India there are many and becomes difficult to choose from.  Marigold, Petunia, Calendula, Pansy, Chrysanthemum, Kalanchoe, Aster and the list goes on.
Here are the simple best winter flowers in India with images and tips.

Firstly, let us discuss about sunlight. Flowers need sunlight, whether in winter or summer. So choose a sunny corner and make the right soil with bonemeal and vermicompost for best results and flowering. I personally prefer cow dung manure for being pocket-friendly and availability.
Choose well-drained soil and a 4- 5 hour sunny area for your garden and try these best winter flowers in India.

1. Marigold

The dark, bright orange and shades of yellow are so common in India. Marigolds are easy-growing flowering plants that survive a variety of weather conditions.

There are a lot of varieties of marigolds. There are layers of colours, there are single bright yellow to orange vibrant superstar flowers.

Moderately fertile, well-drained soil is okay. Most marigold plants love the sun, there is indeed no reason to try marigold where the sun is not there. If tried in shade this may attract powdery mildew.

Winter Flower Marigold

2. Rose

As someone said  ‘rose is a rose is a rose’ – the queen of flowers. There are varieties of roses that grow in winters. Among best winter flowers in India rose is never behind. In multiple colours roses are game changer in your garden.

“Full sunlight, Cowdung manure once a week, Keep tilling the soil,  keep the soil moist, Remove dried flowers with a  sharp tool” says Shivansh Singh of Madhya Pradesh, India

Winter Flower Rose

Rose needs high fertilization. You can use mix of egg shell grinded and used tea leaves as organic way to keep the soil perfect.


3. Calendula

Your nursery person might confuse you saying Calendula and Marigold are same. As they are close cousins.


Calendula flowers are one of the best winter flowers in India. Calendula flowers can be grown from seeds and very easily it grows at your sun loving garden space. Like Marigold, calendula flowers are also in yellow to deep orange color.

Winter Flower Calendula

4. Petunia

Though  Petunia can be grown as annula plant in cold areas like Himachal Pradesh, Assam,Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, and other hilly regions, this is certainly happily grown as one of the best winter flowers in India.

Petunia flowers paint your garden with various colours. From deep blue, deep red, red-orange, lavender, raspberry, light-weight and blue. Well drained soil, sunlight, little ferliser works best and can be used as hanging plant as well
Petunia Winter flower

Regular watering is necessary , well do it wisely according to your climate. Morning sunlight till 1 pm or evening sunlight for 2-3 hours are enough for petunia

5. Pansy

Pansy is kind of large-flowered hybrid plant. Simple, overlapping petals looks fabulolus which can be grown even as hanging plants. When we are talking about best winter flowers in India, pansy will certainly make place in the chart.

Pansies are the winter-blooming flowering butterfly shaped available in many colours. Grows quite good in medium to more sunlight. Pansy certainly adds value and happiness as winter flower</p&gt;</p>

6. Shevanti, Chrysanthemum

<p>&lt;p>A winter garden is incomplete without chandramallika/crysthamum/Sevanti flowers in India. Certainly a block baster among best winter flowers in India.

Chrysanthemum or Shevanti is a common and beautiful winter flower that can be sown from seeds. For New gardeners you can buy plant from nursery. One of the most easy to grow plant which even grows from cuttings.

In Indian climate start sowing seeds mid September. Marvelous colours which create riot of colours in yellow, magenta, white, pink and more.

7. Kalanchoe

Red, Orange, Pink, Magenta, Dark pink – Kalanchoe comes in multiple colours and adds vibrance to your garden. Natural sunlight non-harsh and preferably morning or afternoon sunlight works best. Direct and long hours sunlight might harm and dry up the leaves & flowers.
kalaonche winter flower

Just cut a 4 inch stem diagonally and plant it in porous soil. Water little once in 3 days, soon it will grow. Try planting during September- October

8. Aster

Aster flowers come in dazzling colours with variety of shapes. It has around one hundred eighty  species. Great for Indian Winter season as this can survive winter and keep flowering. Surely consider this as one of the best winter flowers in India

Lovely flowers with purple and blue that any gardener will love. They’ll tolerate exposure to full sun; however, the pot and soil ought to be well-draining.


Looks like daisy, it has lovely heads from white to blue to purple. Asters like winter climates with cool, dampish summers and cool night temperatures. Chose well-drained and loamy soil with a site with full to partial sun.

9. Dianthus

Dianthus has varieties. Some varieties are biennial or annual, requiring fertile and well-drained soil—spherical clusters of lovely flowers on prime perfects the planning where you place them.

The mesmerizing colours make this to the top of the list among best winter flowers in India. Red, pink, mix and match of white Dianthus keep your garden glowing with beautiful colours. Dianthus is grown all over India as winter flower although there is variety which grows all year long.


At cold places, dianthus bloom year long but Dianthus certainly is one of the best winter flowers in India.

10. Hollyhock

Hollyhocks are annual, biennial, or perennial plants. Though can be grown all year at colder places, Hollyhock must be considered as one of the best winter flowers in India.

Holyhock flowers are sometimes taking an erect, branchless type. The leaf blades are typically compound or toothed and are borne on long petioles.


Their flowers are blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow, and even black. The flowers are also solitary or organized in fascicles or racemes. Hollyhocks are well-liked garden decorative plants.

11. Antirrhinum or Snapdragon / Dog plant

Antirrhinum is also referred as snap dragon. A lovely flower usually comes in crimson, yellow and white. Let not leave this when talking about best winter flowers in India As the flower looks like dragon’s mouth hence called snap dragon also it is referred as Dog plant in India.

Snap Dragon

Snapdragons are tall plants and blossoms in an exceeding variation of colors. Snapdragons bloom best in well-drained, moist soil, in cool late-spring or early-summer temperatures. However, they’ll tolerate lightweight shade; however, they bloom far better fully sun.

Antirrhinums are actually annual plants for hilly areas but for sure an winter flowering plant in India

12. Dahlia

One of the best winter flowers in India. Dahlias grow best in sunlight and do not try to grow in shade. If the conditions are favorable Dahlias are best to grow in winter, in pots or on ground.

Water less until your Dahlias sprouted. Water them once or twice a week and of course according to your soil condition and climate.



Dahlia is bright flowers that grow in winter in India, though avoid extreme cold condition.

13. Buttercup/ Allamanda

Allamanda (Golden Trumpet or Buttercup Flower even during summer with its bright yellow flowers. But it easily grows as winter flower in India till November December. Easy to grow winter flower requires less of care and easily brightens up your garden.

Allamanda or Buttercup can be woody compact shrub or a creeper. Regular and deep watering is needed for the plants, allowing the soil to dry slightly between watering (but total dry soil will cause premature flower drop).


Continue watering as long as the plants are in blooms, but when flowering is finished during the early winter&lt;/p>

14. Alyssum</h4></h4&gt;

Alyssum i<


s a winter flowering plant known as sweet alyssum because of its sweet, honey-scented blossoms, when fully flowered, these winter flowers fill the whole area with their aroma.


<h4>easy-to-grow winter flowers and need wet soil in order to blossom. Certainly among  best winter flowers in India

<strong>15. Fuchsia</strong></h4&gt;


these w

inter flowers, come in a lot of different colors, like pink, dark pink, and purple. Also, these winter flowers come in many forms and color combinations, with petals that twist to create even more eye-catching designs and color combinations.
Fuschia height=”500″ />

Lot of gardeners consider this as one of the best winter flowers in India Fuchsia may be a type of winter flowering plants that consist primarily of shrubs or tiny trees and prefers well-drained soil.

16 Cineraria</h4>

Cineraria are gorgeous plants and to be counted as one of the best winter flowers in India that are frequently used to add a splash of color to any Indian garden during the winter and spring.
Cineraria height=”500″ /&gt; /></p>

Cineraria winter flowers produce daisy-like blossoms that come in a variety of colors, including blue, reddish, white, pink, and violet. They may be a genus of winter flower plants within the sunflower family.
As Mr Vijay Channa suggests, Its sunlight and ‘Sarso khali’ (Mustard Cake) fertiliser that did the magic along with right water.

17. Cornflower

Cornflower, also called bachelor’s button is commonly thought of as an annual flower. But it is more of a winter flower. During the cooler months, these winter flower develop strong roots, allowing them to grow larger plants –

Indian Cornflower can be found in cultivated areas on occasion, and is often gregarious on black soil.


Because of it’s button like structure it is called bachelor’s button. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra are all affected by these winter flowers. Flowering season is from January to March. So we must call it one of the best best winter flowers in India


<h4>18. Winter Jasmine&lt;/strong></strong&gt;</h4>

Winter jasmine is a species of winter flower native to China with a slender, deciduous bush.

<p&gt;It is also one of the most beautiful and best winter flowers in India that blooms in India during the winter.
alt=”Winter Jasmine” width=””” />

Passion Flowers (Passiflora) are annual at few places and considered beautiful and best winter flowers in India. Passion flowers are mostly tendril-bearing vines, with a few bushes and trees tossed in for good measure.

passion flower care

Red, Blue, Purple all are equally attractive flowers.

Plant your passionflower vines in full sun to partial shade to keep them healthy and flowering. In hot regions, a little afternoon shade is welcome.

20. Daffodils</h4&gt;</h4>


<p>Though this flower remind us of the poet but it has the reason as a close winner of best winter flowers in India. This stunning winter flower is also known as Nargis in India. It Buds in spring but blooms in late winter. Because of the daffodil’s widespread popularity, various variations have been developed in addition to the original yellow type.



The trumpet and petals can be a bright yellow, white, pink, or orange color. Sitting in your Garden with Melancholic Music on and just admiring you Daffodils, is one of the most beautiful feelings. Trumpets, doubles, split-cups, large-cups, and jonquillas are just a few of the flower designs.

<h4>&lt;strong>21. Carnation</p>

Red, pink, light pink, white – carnation flowers are fabulous to add charm in your winter garden. My favourite and close contestant of best winter flowers in India These are in pink shades and that’s why named Pinks flower. In cold areas of India they might bloom year long.</p>


However, Carnation flowers are good to grow in winter. This is one of the best Winter Flowers in India. Looks quite same as dianthus flower.

The list goes on when we check best in India. As gerbera, zinnia and lot more annual flowers also grows well during winter. The basic flower gardening remains same, well drained soil, using bone meal powder, fish washed powder or aquarium water for nutrient requirement. Flowers are best grown from trusted seeds. Germination rate goes high when we have good quality seeds, its best to keep dry flowers for next season.

‘Every flower blooms in its own time’ Happy Gardening

About Author

Bratati Sen
A serious plantohlic – love to explore plants, live plant, love plant and believes gardening is fun and is a way to relieve stress and connect with nature. Always reachable for plant queries