When we are talking about the best winter flowers in India there are many and becomes difficult to choose from. Marigold, Petunia, Calendula, Pansy, Chrysanthemum, Kalanchoe, Aster and the list goes on. Here are the simple best winter flowers in India with images and tips. Firstly, let us discuss about sunlight. Flowers need sunlight, whether… Continue reading Top 21 Winter Flowers in India
Are Ants on Plants a real problem? Climbing Ants are a real problem for gardeners. Ants often keep climbing and plants look miserable and confused that ants might be eating plants. This is not actually true. Ants do not trouble your plants. They often bring mealybugs or spread the same from other plants, which are… Continue reading Ants on Plants : How to control naturally
sdh Who does not know Stress is bad, gardening helps healing and gardening is great for mental health. Meet this person whose story can stir you from inside and your head will bow with respect and will feel to spread garden love to all our seniors, parents and even busy professionals. Mr Bakul Oza fought… Continue reading Meet Bakul Oza, who fought sadness & depression and healed through gardening
When space is a constraint, or not. Vertical garden is really treat for eyes. Only a little things we need to keep in mind. A garden growing upwards is known as vertical garden. In today’s urban life horizontal space is shrinking, trees, bushes and marshlands diminishing. Vertical gardening has become an amazing way to increase… Continue reading Considering Vertical Garden a great option
Growing plants in containers is the best option when space constraint is a major problem in urban places. Its really a little different than gardening on the ground. Container gardening solves the issue of time & space constraints – so ‘No place’ is no more an excuse. The best part of container gardening is you… Continue reading Container Gardening – a new way of mainframe gardening
When you have little time and you get good sunlight, starting kitchen garden/ rooftop garden for vegetables is an fabulous idea. With the increasing use of pesticides and chemicals in our vegetables, the need of our own small garden for our kitchen needs has become more significant. We may call it a culinary garden, herb… Continue reading Your Own Kitchen Garden
Roses are beautiful. Roses are dream of every gardener. The one thing that keeps gardeners back is Roses buds falling, Roses not blooming etc. how to grow rose plant in India is a common question indeed. Actually, it is easy but few pointers are to be set clearly in mind. The queen of flowers is… Continue reading Organic Way to grow Roses in India
Hibiscus Flower – story of an ordinary flower which is never included in flower bouquet. She is ordinary but beautiful. It is a vibrant low care flower grows so well with the minimum requirement – that is sunlight and water. We call it China Rose, Hibiscus, Joba, Gudhal call it by any name we need… Continue reading Hibiscus Buds falling ? No flower ? Check these points
Get amazed with the beauty of Passion flower. Or we call it Rakhi Flower Passifora or kaurav pandav flower, is an amazing vine that blooms with vibrant flowers. In India, Passiflora Caerulea is named fondly as Kaurav Pandav flower, Rakhi flower, Krishna Kamal flower – but whatever name you call it this flower promises delight.… Continue reading Rakhi Flower Passifora Kaurav Pandav Flower
May be the easiest flower to grow in India – if sun is at your side. How to grow Sada bahar or periwinkle is not very much asked as this is so easy to grow and flowering almost year round. An evergreen plant with flowering throughout the year. Hence it is called Sada Bahar. Colorful… Continue reading How to grow Vinca the easiest flower to grow