When space is a constraint, or not. Vertical garden is really treat for eyes. Only a little things we need to keep in mind.
A garden growing upwards is known as vertical garden. In today’s urban life horizontal space is shrinking, trees, bushes and marshlands diminishing.
Vertical gardening has become an amazing way to increase green space. It is the same concept as men started staying on multi-storeyed buildings when land area failed to accommodate ever increasing population.
Technically vertical garden uses trellis or other support system. It is already a trend in big cities has already started adopting vertical gardens at buildings, under flyovers, malls etc. Creating fence & trellis are used to create living screens between different areas, even at your home and balcony.
Environment experts are happy that this “innovation” not only helps air pollution but also control Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). Vertical garden installed in buildings, under flyovers are common in big cities of India and other countries because of the huge benefits.
People who have very limited space, the best solution is going vertical. This can be as easy as finding similar looking pots and hanging vertically. There are lot of ideas like:
• The easiest option is using balcony fence and keeping good looking containers with handles from them
• Attach rain gutters to a wall, make holes for drainage and plant herbs and flowers
• Beautiful vertical container gardens can be made with old cans.
• Plastic bottles can be hanged with ropes and herbs and flowers can be
• Simple structure formed by bamboo poles/wood can be made which allows plants to climb vertically, providing more growing space.
With a little creativity, you can grow a gorgeous vertical garden just about anywhere.
As long as you have sufficient light for plants to grow, you really can grow a garden in just about anything vertically. And if you use recycled materials,like making your own kitchen compost you can often build your garden for free. Using organic folliar protection spray, organic nutrition spray, water booster & soil enhancer makes your work easier.
Organic Nutrition spray helps to keep your vertical garden fresh and healthy.